How to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ within the scriptures

One of the secrets that has helped me immensely to date where engaging with the Word of God is concerned, is that my intention and pursuit should be to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ within the scriptures. The Word of God is the very Life and Spirit of God, and is therefore Christ Himself. […]

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The key to your next step is obedience to what the Holy Spirit has told you to do.

Have you been struggling with certain parts of your life, not knowing what your next step is, or what God wants you to do? You are a believer, and you are hearing God speak, but things feel as if they are still a mess, your health, your finances, your relationships, your day-to-day walk feels like it is constantly under attack and it feels like you are not gaining the victory in these areas.
Read my testimony of what God has been doing in my life regarding this….

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Your time is NOW to RISE UP in Kingdom POWER and AUTHORITY – A prophetic call

God has downloaded what I strongly sense is a prophetic call to the Bride of Christ! I sense SO strongly to share this “word” as much as you can, there is an urgency in my spirit right now…Thank you my friends…

“Prepare your nets, put them on the “other side,” “fix your boats, and “be ready!” DO NOT despise your “small” beginnings that others have tried to make you do! For the time is NOW! Your time to RISE UP in Kingdom POWER and AUTHORITY will change the “face” of how “church” is meant to operate!” God is taking His “Bride” the Church, into a NEW REALM of experiencing His Glory and the Supernatural, by the POWER and PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit being manifest in “FRESH, NEW” ways!”

“RISE UP and “see” how I AM using you as a CATALYST!

Please read the full word, it is important that we receive the instruction with the promise…

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