A true story of leadership, restoration of the church, repentance, revival and a nation turned back to God – all in 2 months…
Morning before the start of Yom Kippur – 24 September 2023
A true story of leadership, restoration of the church, repentance, revival and a nation turned back to God – all in 2 months…
Morning before the start of Yom Kippur – 24 September 2023
I believe the Lord showed me one of the Keys this morning to entering your Promised Land. Don’t we all want to get out of the wilderness and over the Jordan river into the land of milk and honey? It is very simple, and we have heard this before. But are we implementing it in our lives?
Our faith becomes evident to others through love. If you follow Jesus, you should serve others, and love them as yourself.
Even though we are not saved by how good we can keep the law, our faith becomes evident to others by the way we treat them, how much love we walk in.
The love of Jesus will start to flow through us to hurting people around us, as we start to help, pray for, serve others.
Read more on the law, faith and love, our God is so faithful! …
One of the secrets that has helped me immensely to date where engaging with the Word of God is concerned, is that my intention and pursuit should be to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ within the scriptures. The Word of God is the very Life and Spirit of God, and is therefore Christ Himself. […]
The Lord has told me to write a short, simple guideline to Christians who goes to church on Sundays, or believe they are Christian, but do not have a personal relationship with Him, i.e. they are not hearing directly from God every day via reading of His Word, praying and more. You may even be reading and praying, but feel like God is not hearing you, or the words in the Bible makes little sense.
You may have noticed the world went a little crazy with the Corona Virus (COVID-10) spreading across the world. Shutting down many counties, people are going into lock down and your finances are in a mess. Everyone has an opinion, or a “Word from the Lord” to share. Fake News or “The Lord Says”. If you as a Christian are to get to the other side of this craziness unharmed, you need to be able to connect and hear directly from God yourself. The next 21 days are crucial as we build up to Passover or “Easter”. If ever you needed to hear directly from the living God, now is the time to start. Interested to know how?
The Jewish Temple was divided into three parts: the Outer Court, open to all; the Holy Place, to which the ministering priests had daily access to burn incense and trim the lamps; and the Holy of Holies, where only the High Priest was permitted to go, and that but once a year, on the great Day of Atonement.
The moment when Jesus gave His last breath, the veil between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies tore, by the death of Christ every man can, if he will, come into the presence of God.
Jesus, is our perfect example of how we should live. Jesus’s LAST act as human was to cry out to Father God, submitting His spirit in obedience to God’s plan, and dying. He gave His spirit up, voluntary, for God’s plan, and then died; and to follow His example, we should do the same. We must also give up our spirit voluntarily dismissing and releasing our spirit in submission to our Father’s plan and die to ourself and the very moment we do that, Matthew 27:51 says “And [at once] the veil [of the Holy of Holies] of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom”… the veil between us and God will tear and we will come in His presence.
In this time where the world is screaming panic and corona virus, we should seek the presence of God earnestly, because in His Presence, the Kingdom of Heaven comes down to earth. In His presence the enemy has to flee. In His presence revelation of the finished work on the cross come and bodies and minds are healed.
Declare out loud in the morning as part of your prayers.
God said to speak it aloud, decree and declare it to make it so. That whatever you meditate on, it will fill your heart.
Then out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak. God said to start with I am ________ and fill in the blanks of those things He has said to you. Who He has called you to be. What He has called you to do.
Download the declaration sheet with scriptures and declarations, and add your own.
A few years ago, I was in communion with the Lord when He stopped me in my tracks and changed my prayer life forever. He said to me, “Anne, the quality of your prayer life is not merely hidden in your ability to describe your situation to Me, because I already knew you before you were formed and know everything you need before you ask.
It is the substance of faith in the prayer that makes your prayers attractive to My Heart. And faith has to be pegged on My Word. You will gain more traction spiritually if you sit first and study My Word concerning your situations. Then, allow the revelation you receive from My Word to be the basis of your prayer life and not merely what you are seeing, feeling, hearing, experiencing, thinking or desiring.
Why is it so difficult to trust God completely with our plans and our needs? When we struggle to trust, does that mean we do not have faith? How can God love me unconditionally even when I keep on disappointing Him every day? When will His love run out for me?
Just some of the questions that Nanje was struggling with, but God in His loving kindness took her on a gentle journey and explained it all so very plainly, setting her free and providing the faith, trust and love that she so desperately needed to have.
This will give you new insight into these questions, whether you are a new believer or seasoned Warrior of Christ; there is always more of God to discover. Thank you Lord.
I have read the scripture in Ephesians on the Armour of God many times before, but to be honest it has always been difficult for me to understand exactly how to apply it. But I have received some revelation on it recently, also on how to practically fight against depression and anxiety and other feelings of guilt, shame and “Not being good enough” using the truth in the Word of God. Read this for practical and easy to follow guidelines that could set you free! If you know anyone struggling with this, or also want some more revelation on the Armour of God, please read, share and forward to them. I feel no-one can walk one more day and stay standing without wearing their FULL armour in Christ, and understanding exactly how to put it on.