FAITH works through LOVE

Our faith becomes evident to others through love.  If you follow Jesus, you should serve others, and love them as yourself. 

Even though we are not saved by how good we can keep the law, our faith becomes evident to others by the way we treat them, how much love we walk in.  
The love of Jesus will start to flow through us to hurting people around us, as we start to help, pray for, serve others.
Read more on the law, faith and love, our God is so faithful! …

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How to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ within the scriptures

One of the secrets that has helped me immensely to date where engaging with the Word of God is concerned, is that my intention and pursuit should be to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ within the scriptures. The Word of God is the very Life and Spirit of God, and is therefore Christ Himself. […]

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He is faithful. Stop, rest and listen.

Many years ago, I was out of work and tried to find employment to no avail. Frustrated at not being able to earn my own living, I determined that I would move into one of the places set aside for prayer and fasting in my country and stay there until God answers my prayer.

I walked into that prayer mountain angry, with a loud mouth before God and a lot of noise in His Presence. From day one, I brought out my prayer list and talked non-stop before Him.
Read what happened after a while…

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Is there a difference between doing it yourself and watching it in a movie?

There are people who do not curse or use swear words but they comfortably sit and watch movies and programs in which swear words, and cursing is freely done.

There are people who do not commit sexual immorality but they’ll have popcorn and soda as they watch movies that glorify lesbianism, homosexuality, fornication and adultery.

They are not necessarily violent, drunkards or murderous people, but they enjoy violent, horror and obscene scenes on TV/internet. They find entertainment in gossip episodes, magazines and articles online.

In the spiritual realm, what happens as you watch and listen is that the substance of defilement and darkness in those movies, films, episodes, series or programs, finds access into you through the gateways of your eyes and ears.

Your heart then becomes as defiled and as exposed to demonic spirits as the spiritual environment of what you watch and listen to.

Read more about what the Lord says about this…

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Use the Sword! It’s your faith pegged on His Word that makes the difference in your prayers

A few years ago, I was in communion with the Lord when He stopped me in my tracks and changed my prayer life forever. He said to me, “Anne, the quality of your prayer life is not merely hidden in your ability to describe your situation to Me, because I already knew you before you were formed and know everything you need before you ask.

It is the substance of faith in the prayer that makes your prayers attractive to My Heart. And faith has to be pegged on My Word. You will gain more traction spiritually if you sit first and study My Word concerning your situations. Then, allow the revelation you receive from My Word to be the basis of your prayer life and not merely what you are seeing, feeling, hearing, experiencing, thinking or desiring.

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Guard your divine deposits received from the Lord. GUARD IT!!

I saw something that shook me today. I saw someone who had just come from a wonderful time with the Lord. During their intimate communion, the Lord had placed very precious bracelets on her hands. They represented something precious, a divine deposit, and a great blessing.

Then I saw that some demons followed her after she came from the encounter, because they saw what was on her hands and were seeking to steal it from her. However, she was surrounded by Light and there was an angel walking with her, so they couldn’t access her. They kept following her around and watching, waiting for an unguarded moment.

It so happened that her phone was broken down and needed repair. She looked for a phone repair shop for a while and finally settled for one. The person who was supposed to repair it requested for a moment and left the shop. He took quite some time before coming back – took too long in her opinion. She got more upset by the minute and finally lost her temper, and began to complain to those left in the shop.

She became rude and quarrelsome.
At that very moment, the hedge was broken, and the demons following her around quickly rushed through the gap and grabbed the bracelets from her hands. Because it all happened in the spiritual realm and she was not sensitive in the Spirit at that moment, she did not realise what just happened.

This explains why sometimes we as believers spend a lot of time in prayer and fasting, in the Word and in godly fellowship, but wonder why, sometimes, we don’t see the manifestations we were waiting for.

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