Faith is the currency of heaven

Mariana prays and shares on faith and what it means to be in faith. Too many christians are walking around not receiving healing or breakthrough in their finances or relationships, but having the right kind of faith is step one. The Lord Jesus has already paid on the cross for our healing and abundance. But we need to use the currency of heaven to bring it down to earth. Listen more on that…

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When things are happening in your life and you don’t see a way out. When you feel so weak and in so much pain, that you wonder why you are still here. When you feel your prayers are not being heard, and you want to give up, thinking surely my God has abandoned me…

Sometimes we find ourselves in a dark place, unable to get out of it on our own. Angie shares part of her own story, and how God delivered her from severe depression. She shares some simple actions that has taken her from despair to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and standing in victory. She speaks about worship, reading scripture out load (even if it is only a whisper) and spending time in the presence of Jesus.

Things may seem too broken to be fixed, and each person’s story and experiences are different. But dare to take a small step everyday to take the hand of Christ, who has unimaginably great things planned for you, if only you would trust him and take that first step.

Please read her testimony below…

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From Broken Body to Victory in Christ

We were blessed with permission to post an amazing testimony of a young lady, Theresa, who went through a terrible ordeal, but survived and was saved by God. She suffered a broken neck, broken vertebrae in her spine, 9 broken ribs, internal bleeding, collapsed lungs and a fractured arm after a harrowing car accident. But step by step, as she put her trust in the Living God, he healed her and restored her. I trust that this testimony will touch you as deeply as it did us, and will encourage others who are also going through a similar trial at the moment.

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Getting through life one puzzle piece at a time

Most of us are going through stuff, illness, hurt, lack of finances, or worse… But we are not going through this alone. God is with us every step of the way.

The Word of God contains the promises that God has given us. As you read His Word, He will unlock the words for you, take you on a gentle journey to start the healing process. A small puzzle piece at a time. He will meet you where you are, wash you in the Blood of Jesus, and gently show you the next step.

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Take your mind captive for healing and victory!

We live in a time where everyone is struggling with different diseases of the body and mind that are really taking people’s joy and shortening their lives. This past weekend the Lord has started speaking and confirming specific things to me so powerfully that I have to share them.
What if that disease (be it in your body or a mental illness that you have struggled with for so long) can be healed with Jesus’s help, who can give you the strength to take captive the thoughts in our own minds that are making us ill? The secret to our healing lies in our own minds, and what thoughts we choose to give energy to or not.

There are a video series by Pastor Miles McPherson of Rock Church, San DIego and a Podcast series by Dr Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, both given the same weekend, on different continents, speaking about the influence you have to change your thoughts, your mind and your physical brain (which controls the rest of your body) in the process. Intrigued yet?

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