If you are feeling broken, discouraged and confused by your current or past circumstances and trials please read this post that Angie received from God to share with you. He has knit you together perfectly in your mother’s womb, you are no accident. He never dropped even one stitch…
He has placed you exactly where He needs you to fulfil the purposes He has for your life, if you keep on walking in obedience, and let Him complete the good work in you.
“You are not in the “place” you are in right now, cause I dropped a stitch in the beautiful tapestry that I am weaving together in your life. You see only the underside. You see what looks to you like a mess. It looks like it’s completely messed up and you see no form. But I see the blueprint, cause I knit it together. I designed the pattern. I am making the “picture” of what your life is meant to be…”
Take courage from this word, read all that He is promising you, rejoice in where you are and where God says he will take you. For He is not a man that He should lie.